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My name is David Graham O’Sullivan. I was born in 1982 and soon Pen Name Publishing will release my debut novel ‘The Bomber.’

I grew up in a town called Wagga Wagga in Australia and I remember being involved with books and libraries all my life. As a child I took my father into a book store to buy George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four and although it was not the first book I ever owned, it was the book that made me want to become a writer.

I went to University in Sydney where the idea of being a writer was buried under immense loneliness in a new city. Taking my first English Literature class, I was introduced to the novel ‘A Clockwork Orange’. I remember during a lecture, students all around me criticising the work, many saying the language made it impenetrable. I loved the novel and it is still one of my favorites. It was in this class, where a handful of students moved against Anthony Burgess, that the idea of writing came back to me. I was certain that if I could make so many people extremely passionate, (some angry, some infatuated), about literature, that would be the greatest job in the world. I graduated with a degree in Law and Arts.

I have worked in a railway station, produced a live to air radio show called ‘The Department of Reading and Writing’ and every night I would read and write until I fell asleep. Then on May 25th 2013, I changed direction and moved to six hundred acres of forest and farm land to continue my writing without interruption. The result is my first novel.

I have a dog and a number of cats, I love hiking in the woods and seeing wild animals. I keep a box under my bed full of books so I never suffer one minute of spare time without having something to read.

If you want to talk to me look for @1DavidOSullivan on twitter and tumblr and my email address is davidgraham13340@gmail.com

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